The Movie Blog

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do's and Don't in the Cinema

There are a few things we want to share with you when you go to the cinema. Actually these are simple facts to satisfy your cinematic needs for your comfort. So here we give you To do and Not to do lists.

1. Always buy pop corn and coke or any beverages just in case you are craving for food.
2. Seriously, go to the toilet even if you do not need to go.
3. Silent your phone.
4. Be seated in a correct position to prevent back aches.
1. Do not bring foods from the outside unless you buy from cinema itself.
2. Don't talk during the movie as it would disturb the audience.
3. Do not kick the seat infront of you.
4. Make sure you sit at your own seat as shown in the ticket.

So guys, hope you all take this suggestions seriously because you are not the only one who paid to watch the movies. Don't loose your ticket and check before you enter the cinema. Lastly, enjoy the movie.

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