The Movie Blog

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cirque du Freak, Vampire assistant

Crepsley & Darren

When 2 best friends went to a freak show, an adventure was awaiting them. Mesmerized by the show and talents they went backstage to investigate the freaks. Darren stole a spider belonging to a vampire named Crepsley and were caught in a twist. Trouble was lurking as the spider bit Steve and Darren desperately had to save his best friend by becoming a half vampire. However, Steve became rebelious and joined the darkside with Mr Tiny. In the end, the 2 friends are now enemies and had to battle each other in a fight between good and evil.

Nowadays vampire movie is very popular among teenagers and this movie is a chance for the director to get close to his audience. This film was enjoyable and if you're looking for fun, then this may suit you.

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