The Movie Blog

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Top Ten Movies

For our last blog, the best way for us to end the blog is to leave you with our top ten list of favourite movies. After many arguments, fighting, and screaming, we've finally came up with the list. These are movies we think you'll never get bored watching all over and over again. Some of them have really cool effects, few are funny and we've also included a scary film. If you got nothing else to do, why not watch some of our recommendation.

1. Avatar
2. Watchmen
3. The dark knight
4. Finding Nemo
5. The nightmare before christmas
6. Shawshank redemption
7. Ice age
8. Forrest Gump
9. Inglourious Basterd
10. The exorcist

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So long blog!

Honestly speaking, we have never written a blog before and this blog we've made is for the purpose of completing our subject's requirement. First of all, our experience in writing blogs has no doubt improved our english. It has also been fun expressing our thoughts and opinions freely. We have certainly learnt alot regarding on summarizing the plot and fixing our grammar. Besides improving our skills in english, we have also learnt to manage and design the blog. Furthermore we were exposed to a lot of movies and this really expanded our minds. Lastly we just want to make a statement that blogs can help you express your thoughts in your own words. Thank you for sharing with us.


Welcome to the world of visually stunning cyber universe. Soon to be released, this science fiction tale tells a story of Sam Flynn search of his father Kevinf Flynn who eventually got pulled into a world of fierce program and gladiatorial games. Alongside Sam's compatriot, father and son embarks in a life and death journey to return to reality.

Its a movie worth looking forward to and after all, when is the last time Disney made a big budget movie. In addition, electronic duo Daft Punk will be composing the film score and so there's no reason not to get excited.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do's and Don't in the Cinema

There are a few things we want to share with you when you go to the cinema. Actually these are simple facts to satisfy your cinematic needs for your comfort. So here we give you To do and Not to do lists.

1. Always buy pop corn and coke or any beverages just in case you are craving for food.
2. Seriously, go to the toilet even if you do not need to go.
3. Silent your phone.
4. Be seated in a correct position to prevent back aches.
1. Do not bring foods from the outside unless you buy from cinema itself.
2. Don't talk during the movie as it would disturb the audience.
3. Do not kick the seat infront of you.
4. Make sure you sit at your own seat as shown in the ticket.

So guys, hope you all take this suggestions seriously because you are not the only one who paid to watch the movies. Don't loose your ticket and check before you enter the cinema. Lastly, enjoy the movie.

OSCAR Review!!!

Recently, one of the biggest award ceremony took place at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles which is the 82nd Academy Awards ceremony. The award presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, honors the best film of 2009. The actors Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin hosted the show. Here is a list of winners:

Best Picture: The Hurt Locker
Best Director: Kathryn Bigelow - The Hurt Locker
Best actor: Jeff Bridges - Crazy hearts
Best actress: Sandra Bullock - The Blind side
Best supporting actor: Christoph Waltz - Inglorious Basterds
Best supporting actress: Mo'nique - Push
Best original screenplay: The Hurt Locker
Best animation: Up
Best art direction: Avatar
Best cinematography: Avatar

The best moment of the night goes to Ben Stiller when he dressed up as an avatar. Other than that, the hot Kriten Stewart probably had the best dress. Sarah Jessica Parker dress on the other hand was the worst. The shocker of the night goes to James Cameron (Avatar) when he lost to his exwife Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) who became the first female director to win an Oscar. Well thats all from us. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No Country for Old Men

This is exceptionally a mix of 2 creative talents, the Coen brothers directing an Academy Award winning movie. An average Joe out for hunting came across a bunch of dead bodies, heroin and millions of cash. the man takes away the money only to find out a psychopath killer is on his trail along with the sheriff (Tommy Lee Jones). It certainly is a tensed and violent setting but also artistically tragic film. Consider this movie to one big coin toss. Heads or tales its your call. You've been calling it your whole life.

We all watch the Watchmen

This is not your average superhero movie. An ex-superhero was thrown through a glass window many stories from the ground. Was his murder somehow connected to the feared imminent nuclear holocaust between America and Russia? Come and find out in this thriller and quest for survival and freedom. People are expecting a batman or spiderman like superhero movie but dont be disappointed because the story is very unique in a political sense. It changes your concept of heroism and ideas of corruption in the governmental system. So widen your mind with this movie because it would certainly get you thinking about the world your living in.

Forrest Gump, A Classic

Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you get. Remember that quote. Its a good old classic. Taking away the academy awards, it has become one of the most recognizable film of all time.

Forrest Gump struggled through hardship in his childhood with his only best friend Jenny. In his tale, he has captured fame and fortune but Jenny, his one true love, eluded him.

In our opinion, there is no other movie that has touched the hearts of the audience like Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks delivers an astounding performance and teaches us everyday life's lesson. quite simply, its the great movie and will continue to inspire us to challenge ourselves and never give up in any situations

Cirque du Freak, Vampire assistant

Crepsley & Darren

When 2 best friends went to a freak show, an adventure was awaiting them. Mesmerized by the show and talents they went backstage to investigate the freaks. Darren stole a spider belonging to a vampire named Crepsley and were caught in a twist. Trouble was lurking as the spider bit Steve and Darren desperately had to save his best friend by becoming a half vampire. However, Steve became rebelious and joined the darkside with Mr Tiny. In the end, the 2 friends are now enemies and had to battle each other in a fight between good and evil.

Nowadays vampire movie is very popular among teenagers and this movie is a chance for the director to get close to his audience. This film was enjoyable and if you're looking for fun, then this may suit you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Coming Soon.....

Hold on tight and fasten your seat belts. Wolfman is coming out next month and its the most highly anticipated movie of all the new release. Yeah, you've seen those preview on television. Directed by Joe Johnston, its a story about Lawrence Talbot who returns to his family estate after his brother went missing. Re uniting with his father, a secret past is revealed to him and thereon his destiny awaits him. Though we're not familiar with the casts, its surely a must watch movie. So prepare for this adventure and be sure to have cash in your wallet for the cinemas.

Most disappointing movie

Can you imagine the end of world would end up like 2012? This movie is full action packed graphics and it defines science. Logically, the events in 2012 is very unlikely but you never know what the future holds if you are a firm believer. However, the story lacks creativity and a good story line. How did this movie turned into the most disappointing movie. Well, the story shouldn't have end like a Noah's ark type of synopsis. It made the movie very predictable and boring. With bad acting, 2012 is probably one of the worst movie ever made.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Twilight Saga

Theres nothing more romantic than seeing vampires in love. So we will give you our verdicts on Twilight and New Moon. Edward Cullen, a vampire who mysteriously falls in love with a mortal named Bella goes through a quest to escape from their enemies. In Twilight, this movie shows you how they met. Bella was introduce to Edward's long existing vampire family. Towards the end Bella was not accepted among other vampires and so she finds herself fighting for her life. In New Moon Edward had to stay away from Bella to save her from danger. To do so, he journeyed to another kingdom to surrender himself to the King of the Vampires. Initially heartbroken, Bella finds comfort in reckless living and a closer friendship with Jacob whos a werewolf. Lastly a conflict broke out between Edward and Jacob to fight for Bella.

Many people argued that New Moon was dissapointing. Well Twilight has originality, character developement and explanations, New Moon is better in terms of production-wise. Both movies are great and lively. So what do you think about the Twilight Saga. Doesn't it just takes your breath away....

Hollywood vs Malaywood

You may be offended by our opinion but dont take it serious because it is what it is, just opinion. In this post, we will compare our local films to that of Hollywood films. Obviously, Hollywood beats our local films by a huge margin because mainly of their financial investment. The more you spend, the more quality you get out of it. In Malay movies, the camera angles and the graphics are poorly done and not up to date. Their story line is predictable, typical and seems like the director have limited ideas. Another reason is the actors themselves. Malaysians have a tendency to overact and copy the western style.

Eventhough our local films arent eyecatching, we still keep our culture in movie making and produce an average show which gives moral lesson and good motives. There are certain malay films which are great and so never stop giving support to the locals so that they may improve and modernize their films.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh hail pixar

Pixar is the most imaginative, creative and artistic studio to make state of the art animations. The problem we face today is that many people dislike watching cartoons. Well cartoons open up a new door of imagination where nothing is impossible. Animations entertain us in a different perspective and sometimes it doesnt have to make sense to make you laugh. it may be aimed at children but lets face it, without it we would be living in a dull world.

Every pixar movie has its proponent; dads love Finding Nemo, car entusiasts love Cars, foodies love Ratatouille, mechanics love Wall-E. So heres our ratings of the most popular animations made by Pixar.

10. Up
9. Cars
8. Ratatouille
7. The Incredibles
6. A bugs life
5. Toy Story
4. Wall-E
3. Toy Story 2
2. Monsters Inc
1. Finding Nemo

So guys its time for you to catch up on what youve missed. Bring out the kid in you and explore the new wonders of imagination. Whoever said cartoons are childish. Matter of fact, they are made by grown ups. Now get out there and enjoy the little things in life

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another masterpiece from Quentin Tarantino

Inglourious Basterds makes the box office with a lot critism but after watching the movie, we were surprsised how harshed the reviews were. You've got to admit watching the preview was awesome seeing Brad Pitt giving orders to his troops but let us tell you that the movie is no different. The film was dark and violent but hilarious mixing tensed moments with laughter. Tarantino (director) throws in everything in the story whose thirst for blood is never ending.

The movie tells the story of 2 assassination plots to take out Nazi leaders; one planned by a Jewish girl and the other by a group called The Basterds led by Aldo Raine (Brad pitt).

One review claimed that Tarantino got lost in a fictional World War II. The reactions of other critics gave a standing ovation at the first screening of the movie. Whatever the review they received, the movie was one hell of a ride. If you're not a fan of his style, this film may be a little hard to swallow nevertheless it is a must watch movie.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Record Breaking Avatar the Movie

Hello guys,

We have just watched what we think is the best movie of the decade and we can honestly say its truly an epic adventure fantasy full of action packed graphics. What you get out of the movie is a complete genre, everything from comedy to romance and action that will take you to a spectacular new world beyond your imagination.

The film directed by james cameron well-known for his work in titanic. The story's hero, jake sully, paralyzed from the waist down was sent to a new planet called pandora on a mission to drive off the native na'vi in order to excavate valuable minerals using an genetically engineered human-na'vi hybrid. Using his mind to control the avatar, he travels to the na'vi village to collect samples but found himself lost. There was rescued by beautiful young na'vi woman, Neytiri who brought him to her 'hometree'. He then learnt to adapt to na'vi clan. from there, he finds himself caught between the military-industrial force and the na'vi.

So guys, what are you waiting for, because we guarantee you 100% satisfaction...Case Closed

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

blockbuster movies

hello you enjoy watching movies? when was the last time you've watched a good movie?
well...we will provide you our verdict on the current blockbuster movies. other than that, we also provide synopsis, rating, and comment.
that will give you movie goers a rough ideas of the story.

ordinarily, when a good movie is made, there's a tendency to analyse the movie.what makes a good movie apart from well-known actors is a good story line and eye catching graphic...

so,see you guys next time..